Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Access client machine printer using PrinterJob in Oracle ADF

Hi Folks this post is about accessing client machine printer using java PrinterJob in ADF application. Sometimes we may get requirement to handle windows printer like "Direct printing without print dialog box". You cannot customize the windows printer.
By using the Java PrinterJob you can completely handle print dialog and its properties from java. For more information on java PritnerJob check this
This can be achieved using Applet integration in ADF page.  For applet integration in ADF page go through my previous post Get Client machine MAC address in ADF using applet

Follow same steps given in my previous post.
In Messageapplet class add the following java code

Build the jar file and integrate in adf  project. Below is java script call the applet method on button click.

Run the jspx page. Print dialog is of java not windows print dialog.

Download here
Cheers :) Happy Learning :)

Monday, 22 June 2015

Get Client machine MAC address in ADF using applet

Hi folks in this post i will show you how to get client machine MAC address in ADF page using applet.
Step1: Create Generic application. and create java class which extends JApplet.

Step2:  Add the below shown java code. This code use to read the client machine MAC address.

Step 3: Create JAR file for this project and sign the jar file. This link will hep you to sign the jar

Step 4: Create Fusion Web application and add the jar file in public_html folder as shown below

Step 5: Now create jspx page with one button. When you click on button the MAC address displays in POP up. Using javascript will call the applet code and get the mac address.

Step6: Run the jspx page and click on get client mac address button

You can download the code using the link Download

Thanks:) Happy learning:)